26 April, 2009

We Are Fancy...Very Fancy

This weekend was busy! We definitely feel like we are in the home stretch of our first year-ready to head back home (June 10!) and visit with family and friends. And go to Target. Have I mentioned I have reoccurring dreams of Target? The home goods, the kids clothing, the stationary, the toys...I could go on and on. Anyway, this weekend was not typical for us-we DID NOT swim or go to the Club all weekend. The weather was beautiful, but we had other things on the agenda.
Saturday our school hosted a Culture Celebration with booths from around the world. I met Paul and the kids there after yoga and found them enjoying maple donuts from Canada and pretzels from Germany. There were rides and games for the kids, not to mention a Samba show that would make anyone blush. I am not kidding. The girls were dressed like they stepped off the beach and were dancing in six inch heels. As Noah exclaimed, "I can see their boom-booms!"It was one of those moments that distinctly screamed "We're not in the States anymore!". It was fun nonetheless!
Following the Culture Celebration we headed to a birthday party. The daughter of one of my friends from school was celebrating her first birthday so we headed across Sao Paulo to the party locale. The birthday girl's grandfather is the former governor of Sao Paulo so it was somewhat entertaining to spend the afternoon hanging out at the Governor's house. It is, at the very least, a fun fact to share with our family back home. The birthday party was the usual here-huge! A trampoline by the pool, enough rented toys to fill a play room, a ball pit, and, of course, monitors for the children! The kids had fun and left with more than enough sugar coursing through their little veins.
I have some more pictures to share from the birthday events of last week, but I've been too lazy to download them from the camera. Soon, though! Paul and Noah did have a fabulous time at the soccer game on Wednesday-luckily, Sao Paulo won. Noah informed me of this very important fact when he returned home at 1 a.m. early Thursday morning!

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