10 April, 2009

Here's Where It Is Gets Tricky

Sophie knows most of her letters and she is beginning to know many of her letter sounds. Usually we spend some time every day putting her wooden letters on the refrigerator and thinking of words that start with that letter. This morning we were looking at S and thinking of all the words we knew that started with S. After Sophie, sand, Stella, etc...I pointed out that strawberries started with S too. Sophie replied, "Sssss, ssss, sss...morangos!" Morangos is strawberries in Portuguese. Right word, wrong language!
For the most part, Noah hasn't struggled with this too much. The "ch" sound makes the "sh" sound in Portuguese so occasionally we see that confusion show up in his writing but he's pretty clear about the rules of each language. It will be interesting to see if Sophie takes a little longer to sort out the differences between each language since she is more fluent, or if she develops a better understanding between the two languages but maybe at a slower rate. As a teacher of students who often speak more than two languages it is really interesting to see how these skills develop!

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