22 November, 2010

Brazilian Baby

We started introducing solids to Stella very casually. Sort of like every few days, if we're feeling up for it, we grind up some fresh fruit for her. In Brazil most babies start eating fresh fruit (not cereal) and based on all my reading of childhood nutrition we are going that route as well. So far Stella has eaten banana, pear, and papaya. She still has a bit of the tongue thrust reflex so I think more food gets on her than in her...but it is fun to try! I think papaya is her favorite!

Photo Recap

21 November, 2010

Life Is Full!

Wow! I don't get to this space nearly as much as I should. Things are busy with three kiddos! Busy for all the right reasons, but busy nonetheless. Add in my training schedule and a non-night sleeping four month old and putting together any kind of cohesive thought is a challenge. I have a ton of pics to download from the weekend. Highlights include:
*Stella's first swim
*Circus trip
*Graded's Thanksgiving

I'll have pics up tomorrow. It was a fun time!

03 November, 2010

Meet Finn

Meet our new family member Finn. I bought him at the fruit stand for the kids last week. He's cute, right? Notice the distinctive U.V.A. colors? Coincidence-I think not. Fate. Both kids are completely smitten with him. Sophie feeds him every morning and Noah every evening. Last Monday we averted a near disaster (on many levels) when the maid knocked his bowl onto the ground. The fish apparently went flying and the maid yelled like crazy for the nanny to come and capture him in a bowl of water. Sophie and I were at the store, but Noah saw the whole thing and burst into tears at the sight of sweet Finn flopping around on his bedroom floor. All is well now-he has a new home and seems to be happy. How can a fish look happy, you wonder? I don't know, but he has a little more swing in his swim and fish lips seem to turn up. I think he's happy. The kids are happy. We're happy. Welcome to the family, Finn!

01 November, 2010


Stella is different than Sophie (and Noah, for that matter) in many different ways-probably more than we can possibly imagine since Stella's only approaching four months. One big thing is her cheeks-I mean, from two months of age on Sophie's cheeks touched her shoulders. They were huge! So yummy! Not Stella. Stella is llllloooonnnnggg and lean. Just about 13 pounds and 25 inches long. When we went to see the doctor last week he called her "magro falso". As in, she looks skinny but she isn't when you take her clothes off. See? Absolutely squishable.

Halloween Photos