22 April, 2009


Today Noah turns five. It is hard to believe that our baby who was just this a few years ago is now the sweet, loving little boy in our house.

Noah is such a joy to have for a son. He's the first born child that tricks you into thinking you are amazing parents because for the most part he is polite, obedient, caring, smart, and friendly. The truth is HE is just that way. We are lucky to be his parents. Never mind that he hardly slept for the entire first year and cried and cried and cried. How quickly you forget!
I am totally loving this age. Noah is fully, sit-down-on-the-couch-with-a-book, reading. He likes to write in a journal and he loves to draw. He recently started attending kindergarten at school (meaning he gets to eat lunch, go to art, pe, music, and computer and stay until 3) and he loves it. He often makes "work" at home-creating hundreds charts, addition and subtraction problems, and rhyming games for Sophie.
Noah's taken well to Brazil and he can speak Portuguese well, and will claim futbal as his favorite sport and Sao Paulo Futbal Club his favorite team. Today Noah had a traditional Montessori birthday celebration at school. He walked around the "sun" five times and Paul and I had a chance to speak about Noah at each age. Noah was very proud and I am so, so happy that we are in a situation where we got to celebrate with him at school.
Noah has been total and utter joy for five years. I am so glad he's our little boy. Now, can he just STAY five? I don't really want him getting any older. It is all happening too fast!

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