12 August, 2010

Back into the Baby World

After several years of no babies we're back in full baby mode around these parts. Words like "swaddling", "nursing", "diapers", and "please God let her go to sleep" are taking center stage. It's a change, for sure! Paul and I struggle a bit to embrace this change sometimes. It is hard when sweet Stella doesn't want to go down for the night until 12:30 and the other two are up at 6:30 (or earlier, Mr. Noah). I keep telling myself (over and over and over) these times are fleeting and to embrace the fuzzy newborn head, the first smiles, the "aaagggaaa" sounds, and the baby smells. It doesn't always work, but I'm trying.


Mockabee Seven said...

Oh my gosh, she is delightfully chubby and your kids are so sweet! Thanks for finding me and reading my daily junk...it's a funny thing, this blog world, but it sure does allow you to relate with all types of people, which I love! And in what country do you reside in at the moment?!

Mockabee Seven said...

Duh, just read your blog title... a bit slow, that's me!
O Brasil é lindo maravilhoso!

Cara Tebo said...

Well said... I could see that be Travis and I in a couple of months. Sshhh, not announcing it yet until next week. :)