21 August, 2009

The Last Few Weeks

Normally the beginning of the school year is busy for everyone. Add to that a two teacher household, a five year old beginning kindergartner, and a three year old heading to preschool and it gets a little crazy. Add to THAT the swine flu fears (thus a few days home already with a slight cough), a new, heavy teaching load and coaching position for Paul, professional leadership commitments for me, a broken toe, abandoned race training (grumpy mama), and negotiating a house closing from Brazil and you have pure chaos! That's pretty much what's been going on here. It hasn't been pretty. This morning I believed we were starting to emerge from all of this, but was then reminded Paul was working late tonight and half of tomorrow and Noah had his first tee ball game tomorrow morning. And it is cold. Really cold. And Noah just came back from a playdate early because his ear was hurting him so badly and he couldn't stop crying. Should I go on?
It has been a ROUGH couple of weeks.
There are so many wonderful, amazing things happening, but I've been a bit blind to them lately. I just need the fog to clear.
Fun fact? We've booked our trip to Buenos Aires in late November!
Hopefully I'll be back with great pictures and fun updates soon!

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