24 July, 2009


Tchau, Mama!

Tonight I'm up alone-Noah and Soph are zonked out in their newly bunked beds. Paul, too, is in dream land after being up very late last night and dutifully fetching our service door key from our porteiro early this morning so I could get our milk delivery behind the locked door. That could be a whole other post-the Brazilian double door system (service door versus social door) and milk delivery (possibly the best thing ever), but it will have to wait for another evening when list making, packing, and ironing aren't consuming my time. Tomorrow I leave for Seattle for an Everyday Math conference-stimulating, no? I'm excited for the trip. Just having traveled with two little ones I realize what a luxury 16+ hours of sleeping, reading, and otherwise doing whatever I want to do in my little airplane seat will be. Paul will be alright-today we stocked the fridge, yesterday we had this new member of our family delivered, and Katty will be here Monday-Thursday 9-5 to lend a hand. The weather has been just plain awful here-cold and rainy-and Seattle's forecast looks HOT and sunny-the perfect last minute escape before we head back on August 3rd. I've promised to return with bags filled with mac and cheese, Coffeemate creamer, and Hungry Hippos (which I may regret later). Noah's promised to remind Paul to pick up the milk waiting in the morning and Sophie declared she'll "watch my earrings and necklaces" so I feel like I can leave confidently-knowing my accessories are in good hands.

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