27 January, 2009

Never Ending Rain

We're not in Rio anymore...
While surfing the internet this morning, trying to figure out just HOW long the "rainy season" would last here, I came across this quote:

There isn’t really a rainy season in Sao Paulo. Rather, there is persistent and abundant rainfall throughout the year. The rains come frequently and in short bursts. A sudden downpour can lead to traffic jams in what is one of the most traffic logged cities in South America. Always budget plenty of time into your schedule, whether you're going shopping or getting ready for a medical tourism procedure. Sao Paulo's unpredictable rainfall has been known to make the entire city stop at times.

Isn't that the truth! While it hasn't been raining ALL day every day, it has been raining every day. Ridiculous thunderstorms, steady rain, or just a drizzle we get it all. The day can look perfectly calm (though not really sunny lately) and out of nowhere the rain begins.

Yesterday I forgot to close my windows at work. This happens pretty frequently-we have guards and custodians there long after us to check doors and windows-but I picked the wrong day to forget. I came in this morning to find my classroom covered with puddles and my computer soaked. It was so wet that even after I cleaned up the mess there was a fresh puddle under my computer an hour later because it wasn't done draining. The IT guy came and took my computer away this morning-I'm not sure it survived. I did learn my lesson though! I'm counting the days until I can see this again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog while reading Emily's blog about BH and thought I'd leave a little note! My husband and I are in Sao Paulo this week checking out housing etc. to see if we'd like to move here with his company. We have a 2.5 year old and a 10 month old and your blog struck a chord with me since y'all have young kids too. Unfortunately, I saw also that y'all live in Morumbi and Bryan's office is in Braueri so we would most likely live in one of the Alphavilles. Have y'all had a difficult time meeting other folks with young kids? Do you know anything about the American expats living in Alphaville? Y'all sound like you are having a wonderful experience so far; it was lovely to read about your beautiful family. If you had any advice that you thought might be helpful, would you pass it along? Just if you have the time. We have been experiencing the transition from one to two for the past 9 months and I didn't realize how crazy it would be! Thanks, Jennifer Blew (Tulsa, OK)
