21 January, 2009

Inauguration Day

I keep waiting for Paul to post a great update about the wonderful visit from his parents, but no luck yet. Apparently his creative juices aren't yet flowing in that direction. Anyone who knows Paul knows that he will do it when HE is ready, so until that time we'll forge ahead. The fact that everything isn't in chronological order does bug me a bit, but I'll survive.

We've enjoyed our last few days at home before we return to work. The five weeks off was oh so nice. I feel rested, relaxed, and ready to start a new semester. We've had our nanny coming a several hours everyday and the time has been so nice. Paul and I saw a movie, went out to lunch, did some shopping and generally relaxed quite a bit. All the while the kids are playing at the park, the pool, and all around Portal. We should devote an entire post to our nanny Katty soon. She's great!!

Yesterday, Inauguration Day, we laid low. Our school showed the inauguration ceremony on a live feed in the auditorium, but Paul has been a little under the weather so we just stayed here and watched it on our computer. I'm a bit of a political junkie (thanks Dad!) so I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the coverage. Noah even watched for a bit. Noah's friend Liam was over and kept calling for him to come and play, but Noah kept telling him "No! I'm looking for Obama!". No matter which side of the political fence you fall on, the historical significance was so great. I loved every second of it. Really. I'm that much of a dork. After dinner we even made Inauguration Sundaes. Yes we did (make sundaes). Yes we did.

Bun Bun enjoying some Inauguration Day excitement

Inauguration Day sundaes-vanilla ice cream, strawberries, and blueberries

The kids are recovering from the loss of the Grandma and Grandpa's attention. They head back to school on the 26th so I think that will help them get back to some normalcy. Sophie still sleeps with the horse that Grandma bought her (creatively named Sophia).

The weather here has been cool-nothing the like the hot, hot weather we had in Rio last week. Noah actually went to the store like this yesterday:

No joke. Of course, when he came back we discovered he had a 101 degree fever-but really, it is cool here. That's why we leave the house in layers every single day. You never know about the weather here in Sao Paulo!
Hopefully Paul will give an update soon-the visit was fun and much needed!!

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