07 October, 2008

TV free....and loving it!

When we first found out we'd be moving to Sao Paulo we knew for sure there would be some big changes. We knew we'd be trading our 2,600 square foot home for a 1,000 square foot apartment, selling and donating lots of our belongings, selling our cars, giving up heat and air conditioning, line drying our clothing, and generally simplifying our lives, but there have definitely been some unpredicted transformations as well.
One of the biggest decisions we've made so far is to live TV-free. Paul attempted to buy a TV pretty quickly after we arrived (quick! football is starting on Sunday!) but we had some complications ordering it online, and rather than sort those out he put the purchase on the back burner. Over the last two months we haven't gone back to order the television.
In some ways, living TV-free has been a dream of mine for a while. I quickly realized the television is a mixed blessing with children. I loved the "free" time it gave me to start dinner, check email, or take a shower, but I hated the constant whine for "one more show" and the way their play turned more into a reinactment of the latest episode of Dora or Diego and less about the kids' imagination. Moving to Sao Paulo totally eliminated that issue. We have a small portable DVD player the kids have watched a handful of times, and otherwise it is kept in the closet. It really is out of sight out of mind for Noah and Sophie, and I've noticed a definite change. We definitely have more time together as a family. Games, imaginary play, and art projects are almost always going on in one way or another. This site has been really helpful. After the kids go to bed Paul and I have time to talk (and not just in between commercials!), read, knit, play Yahtzee, or listen to podcasts. Things are just slower, calmer, and generally more enjoyable.
To be honest, we've had 3 weeks of straight rain so there have been times I've been tempted but so far I've held fast to the idea that TV-free is best for our family right now. I see it in this proof:

Noah's first "published" book: The Knight Who Was Afraid to Fight

An impromptu stove we created when Sophie wanted to cook dinner for us. It worked well and kept her occupied for a LONG time (by 2 year old standards). It was much more interesting than TV!

Besides, who needs a TV when you have this?

Edited to add: Don't think we've totally lost our minds...Paul still travels to school most Sundays to watch the NFL feed via his computer with some friends!

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