03 November, 2010

Meet Finn

Meet our new family member Finn. I bought him at the fruit stand for the kids last week. He's cute, right? Notice the distinctive U.V.A. colors? Coincidence-I think not. Fate. Both kids are completely smitten with him. Sophie feeds him every morning and Noah every evening. Last Monday we averted a near disaster (on many levels) when the maid knocked his bowl onto the ground. The fish apparently went flying and the maid yelled like crazy for the nanny to come and capture him in a bowl of water. Sophie and I were at the store, but Noah saw the whole thing and burst into tears at the sight of sweet Finn flopping around on his bedroom floor. All is well now-he has a new home and seems to be happy. How can a fish look happy, you wonder? I don't know, but he has a little more swing in his swim and fish lips seem to turn up. I think he's happy. The kids are happy. We're happy. Welcome to the family, Finn!

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