30 April, 2010

No excuses

I don't know what it is about blogging these days...well, I'm tired for one-but really, the day to day things that were so exciting last year are so mundane now. What was "our new life" as become "our normal life" and I sometimes have trouble recognizing the unique and special day to day occurrences worthy of blogging about. I really want to be better-especially with Stella girl set to debut in less than two months!

So, what's the latest? I realized I haven't blogged since March so I really have an entire month to fill you in on!

April Highlights:
  • Portal Easter and Egg Hunt
This was super fun again this year. The Portal is just such a great place to live-we gathered all the kids together and had two egg hunts going (thanks to the men folk!). One for the toddling crowd and one for the running crowd. I think both groups were pleased. I MUST find a way to get Easter baskets here-Noah and Sophie hunting with plastic grocery bags is just plain ugly. We have ours packed away somewhere but it may be easier to just buy another few. Either that or we can start celebrating Easter Brazilian style where we just give a large chocolate egg to each kiddo. I don't think they'd be disappointed with that option either-especially because some of the other basket goodies-grass, candy, and spring-type toys are hard to find here.

  • Sophie's broken arm-not a highlight, but definitely a major part of our month
Sophie was at a playdate one afternoon and she and the other girls were jumping off a trampoline. She had done it quite a few times before the fateful leap-her foot got caught and she landed on her left arm. Poor girl smashed her elbow "como un biscoito" (like a cookie). It required surgery, two pins, and an overnight stay in the hospital. She's in a cast from her upper arm to her wrist and sling for the next month or so (6 weeks total). Poor thing! However, she is really amazing in how she's handled everything. She's happy and pretty much her normal self most of the time. She does get frustrated, but thankfully those moments are few and far between.

Our school was amazingly supportive through that whole ordeal. My principal in particular spent the majority of the evening at the hospital with me (Paul was taxiing home from a far away softball tournament). She translated as needed and generally made me feel much more at ease. Our nanny and neighbors made sure Noah was cared for and got off to school the next day. We live far away from family, but our support system here is really fantastic.

  • Noah's 6!!
Poor guy had his sixth birthday a few days after Sophie's accident. We enjoyed Pasta Night at Portal (someday Pasta Night will get its own post!) and cake. We celebrated in his classroom, and this Saturday we're having a Lego Party for ten kiddos. Should be a fun time!

  • Plane tickets
We will not coming home in June (something about a woman nine months pregnant and a 10 hour flight makes people nervous) but we bought tickets home in December. We plan on spending three weeks in the States-a week in Colorado with Paul's family, a week in Austin with my dad and family, and a week in Orlando with my mom and family joining us. I am contemplating running the Disney half marathon (its the same weekend) but that may just be my crazy pregnancy brain talking!

So there' s the month of April! May will be spent preparing for baby Stella's arrival (we have LOTS to do!) and wrapping up the school year. Check back soon for a recap of Noah's Lego birthday and pictures!!

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