19 September, 2009

Big Decisions

When we started this international teaching journey two years ago we had visions of taking a little break from the monotony of our life and returning shortly there after. In some ways it seemed like such a short period of time, but in other ways I remember thinking Oh my goodness! I will have a four year old and a six year old when I come home! For some reason the jump from a 2 and 4 year old to a four and six year old seemed huge-much larger than just two years. And suddenly we're almost there. Now, we're approaching the time when we'll have to decide whether to pack up and head home, stay in Brazil, or explore another teaching opportunity. It's a hard choice. Our school forces us to make this decision very early-usually between late October and early November. Definitely before we've had a chance to secure another job. The year flew by-just now, after selling our house and settling in here-are we starting to see the bigger benefits of being overseas. We still have lots of South American traveling we'd like to squeeze in. I love, love, love going to school with the kids (and Paul too!). However, we miss family and the pure ease of being in the United States. Truthfully, I miss Target too. I've always been horribly indecisive which does not bode well for large, looming decisions like the ones in front of us. Paul's super logical and I'm more of a "gut instinct" type girl. I feel like so many other decisions ride on this one...I hope we feel the same when the time comes to commit.


Debbie said...

This would make for a great conversation with you guys! We have only been here almost 2 months...but for the second time overseas and we are asking ourselves the same questions. I think we were spoiled by living in Italy first! And of course being hugely indecisive like like you it sounds does NOT help! Keep up posted...

Cara Tebo said...

We're in the same boat too... we just got the email from human resources to make a decision. It gets earlier and earlier... this is our last year. I'm also more of a gut instinct type of girl. I do know that the world is HUGE and there are a lot of good schools around.