31 December, 2008

Sao Paulo Aquarium

Lately, we've had quite a bit of time to explore the city. It is nice-the traffic that is usually unbearable is virtually nonexistent as most Brazilians are off at the beach between Christmas and New Years. The weather has been rainy and overcast, so we've had to be more creative than just filling our time with the pool and Clubbe. On Friday we headed to the Sao Paulo Aquarium. Our first clue that this would be an interesting trip should have been when friends that have lived in Brazil for YEARS declared they'd never heard of the Sao Paulo Aquarium, let alone visited. The drive was a bit confusing-if you miss a turn in Sao Paulo you're out of luck. There are few left turns allowed and you can drive for miles and miles without ever seeing a retourno to make a U-turn. We recalculated our directions and ended up on the correct road, but there wasn't any aquarium in sight. There were, however, plenty of building with graffiti, stray dogs, and suspicious looking people. At one point I just begged Paul to turn around. I didn't care how close we were, I just wanted out of the neighborhood! Eventually we made it. The aquarium is small, but the kids enjoyed themselves. Sophie begged to bring a penguin home but mean daddy said no. A few pics from the day:

Noah preparing to watch the 3-D movie!

Everyone was tired at the end of the day!

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